Aula 2.4 [clear filter]
Wednesday, November 18

09:00 GMT-03

Buscando amor y confianza
La tecnología ya forma una parte integral de nuestras vidas. Las aplicaciones y servicios que usamos pueden alterar nuestro comportamiento cotidiano. Los productos más exitosos son aquellos que logran crear hábitos antes de la competencia, o a pesar de ella. Ya no es suficiente satisfacer la necesidad de los usuarios, todo producto debe ser visto como un servicio, debe atraerlos, generar confianza y deleite. 

Como diseñadores tenemos la capacidad de crear productos que mantienen el interés de los usuarios por larga cantidad de tiempo. En esta charla vamos a discutir técnicas para crear hábitos, cómo darle una estructura efectiva al deleite y al mismo tiempo explorar las implicaciones éticas a tomar en cuenta al usar estas técnicas.

avatar for Guillermo Torres

Guillermo Torres

Design Manager, Google
I lead a multidisciplinary team for the design of Google Maps. I combine technology, human need, empathy and refined aesthetics to create meaningful experiences. Previously a design manager at Adobe where I focused on solutions for web design and development. Prior to joining Adobe... Read More →

Wednesday November 18, 2015 09:00 - 09:50 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

09:55 GMT-03

Designing for future devices
Designing for future devices,

Every day we have new devices flooding the market which reach million of users. They provide a potential mountain of new creative, technological solutions; or sometimes they represent a technological flop. The way we design these new products is essential to insure success and crucially:  also making it a relevant and a long-lasting solution to a customer problem. 

Every design project has its own unique challenges and opportunities. In order to be most impactful and successful as designers, we need to use research to identify real use cases, pain points and opportunities, and avoid generating features by committee or based on assumptions. 

In my talk, I will be discussing the challenges of designing for future devices, and present a case study of a recent project I led for the design of the Akbank banking app for the Apple Watch. This talk will cover the following areas:

  • Understanding the domain
  • Identifying and understanding the target audience 
  • Making the design contextually relevant
  • Mastering the devices’ capabilities
  • Various ways of prototyping potential solutions
  • Creating your own interaction guidelines
  • Validating solutions by user testing

Join my talk to find out more about these proven design methodologies and how they could be applied to your design projects.

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Nurgul Karadeniz

Lead UX Architect
Nurgul is the co-founder and principal consultant of UX Thought. She is specialised in information architecture, interaction design and user research. She has created award-winning products and services in digital products, interactive TV and e-commerce for companies such as the Microsoft... Read More →

Wednesday November 18, 2015 09:55 - 10:45 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

11:15 GMT-03

Transformando el día de un camillero: de lo análogico a lo digital
El objetivo del presente trabajo es compartir un caso en el cual la clave de su éxito es la participación de los usuarios desde la génesis del proyecto. 

A partir de la necesidad de mejorar las métricas de tiempos de atención del sector de Camilleros del Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires, se impulsó un proyecto para reemplazar su herramienta de comunicación (analógica y oral) por una aplicación mobile que mejore sustancialmente su experiencia diaria. 

Como parte de un equipo interdisciplinario, los miembros del equipo de usabilidad condujeron el proyecto a partir del relevamiento con usuarios, incluyéndolos desde el kickoff hasta la implementación del mismo. Este involucramiento, permitió detectar otras problemáticas no menos importantes para ellos, que no estaban planteadas y fueron registradas para seguir mejorando su labor diaria. 

Una particularidad del proyecto tiene que ver con el entorno de los usuarios, ya que están en constante movimiento, e incluso muchas veces bajo circunstancias extremas. Son los encargados de una tarea muchas veces subestimada, sin embargo vital en el funcionamiento de la organización. Por este motivo, desde la dirección, se decidió realizar una inversión que mejoraría no sólo la productividad del sector, sino también y, en consecuencia, la experiencia de todos los involucrados, desde médicos hasta pacientes y familiares. 

Otro desafío que se presentó estuvo relacionado a la decisión tecnológica en cuanto a los dispositivos que se adquirirían, con problemáticas como tamaño de pantalla y resolución, autonomía, almacenamiento y costos. 

Contaremos cómo hicimos para poder llevarlo adelante implementando variadas actividades y recursos (entrevistas personales, observación etnográfica, workshop de relevamiento, pruebas con usuarios) que nos mantuvieron conectados con sus objetivos, sus necesidades y sus preferencias. Compartiremos las lecciones aprendidas, relevantes para la comunidad y aplicables a proyectos de características similares. 

avatar for Juan Marcos Ortiz

Juan Marcos Ortiz

Analista de usabilidad, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires
avatar for Laureana Porterie

Laureana Porterie

UX Designer, Flux IT

Mariana Simón

Analista de Usabilidad, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires

Enrique Stanziola

UX analyst, Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires

Wednesday November 18, 2015 11:15 - 12:05 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

12:10 GMT-03

Balancing cognitive resonance and dissonance in product design
Few psychological theories had an impact so clear on UX design as Festinger’s Cognitive Dissonance. 
Cognitive dissonance is the mental stress or discomfort we feel when our behavior is inconsistent with our beliefs. Humans strive for their behavior and beliefs to be consistent, so when inconsistency (dissonance) arises, we do everything we can to restore balance, either by changing our behavior or belief, or by somehow justifying the behavior. Design dissonance occurs when a product or service sends out cognitive signals that run counter to the desired effect. 
Festinger’s basic hypotheses for cognitive dissonance are as follows: 
• The presence of dissonance, of being psychologically uncomfortable, will motivate the person to try to reduce the dissonance and achieve consonance. 
• In addition to trying to reduce dissonance when it is present, the person will actively avoid situations and information that would likely increase it. 
This theory, however, is frequently misused as a recipe. Experience shows that the “eliminate or reduce cognitive dissonance” mantra does not always lead to a better design, and that balance is key to keep users learning, engaged and away from the uncanny valley. 

In this talk, we will illustrate how products can be designed for dissonance and resonance, using actual examples, and elaborate on the nuances of this theory applied to the design of experiences. 

avatar for Patricio Maller

Patricio Maller

UX leader, Intel
Patricio Maller holds a computer science degree and a Master of Science in computer sciences (2000) with focus on human-computer interaction. He was a Fulbright Scholar at The University of Alabama between 1998 and 2000, completing research on the application of socio-cognitive theories... Read More →

Peter Wyatt-Brandenburg

Design leader with extensive experience addressing all the touch points across the brand experience. A proven track record of developing cutting edge products and in breaking paradigms in mature market segments with a focus on the customer.Especialidades:Big picture thinking and detail... Read More →

Wednesday November 18, 2015 12:10 - 13:00 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

15:00 GMT-03

La mejora de la experiencia de cliente en una filial del banco más grande del mundo
Es posible lograr resultados positivos en la experiencia de los clientes de un banco trabajando activamente en la mejora de UX de los productos digitales y en el diseño de servicios a través de los procesos. Con la introducción de técnicas de Design Thinking, las áreas de IT y Procesos de ICBC Argentina -la filial local del banco más grande del mundo- iniciaron una transformación activa para la mejora de experiencia de cliente. Mediante la conjugación del apoyo del Comité Ejecutivo del banco (proceso de arriba hacia abajo), el impulso de profesionales y equipos de desarrollo (proceso de abajo hacia arriba), el entrenamiento en UX y Diseño de Servicios, y la implementación activa de nuevas prácticas de trabajo con una mirada de diseño, el banco comenzó en Argentina un proceso de transformación para lograr la mejora constante de la experiencia de cliente. En la presentación contaremos el proceso de maduración que tuvo que recorrer el banco a través de varios años hasta lograr establecer con la más alta prioridad la estrategia de mejora de la experiencia de los clientes al interactuar con los productos digitales. Contaremos los desafíos culturales que se presentaron a la mirada de diseño al contrastar y articular las culturas occidental y oriental, y el impacto en los productos. El desafío de la industria mundial de CX y UX reside, entre otros aspectos, en obtener métricas adecuadas para el mundo del diseño y de los negocios. Contaremos el proceso para la elaboración y establecimiento de métricas que permiten medir aspectos cualitativos de la experiencia y expresarlos de modo numérico, a fin de ser accionables y evaluar las mejoras a lo largo del tiempo. 
ICBC e Inter-Cultura vienen trabajando juntos desde hace varios años para la mejora de experiencia de usuario y de cliente. La presentación se sostendrá sobre la experiencia de trabajo en equipo entre ambas empresas, conjugando el diseño y los negocios para obtener resultados viables, factibles y humanamente deseables.

avatar for Gonzalo J. Auza

Gonzalo J. Auza

Director, Inter-Cultura
Ha trabajado en el campo de Innovación & Diseño por más de 15 años. Es fundador y director de Inter-Cultura (inter-cultura.com), consultora pionera en Argentina y Latinoamérica, e integrante de UX Fellows (uxfellows.com). Dirige proyectos de innovación y diseño de servicios... Read More →

Guillermo TOLOSA

CIO, ICBC Argentina
CIO with valuable expertise on banking solutions and leadership experience on large scale projects (Argentina, Israel, Chile).Results oriented with demonstrated capability to handle increasing responsibilities, resulting in continuous career growth.

Wednesday November 18, 2015 15:00 - 15:50 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

15:55 GMT-03

Design as the art of materializing business decisions
This talk will be presented in Portuguese (PT-BR), but I strongly reccomend you english-speakers and hispanohablantes to watch it, since my slides will be translated to English (EN) with abundant use of images.

"Is this a business or a design decision?" One might think of both as separate fields, given how decisions are made in a daily basis, the business analyst (or equivalent) usually being the one responsible for defining how a company will create value to its clients. 

As an interaction designer, how can I materialize these decisions in the form of interfaces, navigations or product mechanics? Will I have to compromise on design principles? What is the cost-benefit relation? Can we cocreate ideas with "business people" from scratch? 

In this talk, I'll show cases where both design and business have merged almost becoming indistinguishable.

avatar for Thiago Esser

Thiago Esser

UX Design Consultant, Wildtech
UX/Interaction Design Consultant at Wildtech (www.wildtech.com.br). Co-creator of UXConfBR, a brazilian conference. Author of two e-books: "Design for User Experience: someone is doing this for you" and "Design Management in IT companies," the first one having already surpassed... Read More →

Wednesday November 18, 2015 15:55 - 16:15 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

16:25 GMT-03

Embrancing the culture of the unknown: how the way we think, speak and act in a collaborative setting determines everything we design.
In today’s world of rapidly changing digital design, people are often chasing quick solutions to complex problems. By doing so, UX professionals and organizations are often not adding enough rigour to their work and base much of their designs on assumptions - Assumptions which inevitably result in an underperforming design solution. In his talk, Paul discusses how fostering the right organization culture can strongly influence the design process and thereby the success of a project. Paul explores solutions to this complex problem in order to enable projects to achieve their full potential.

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Paul Farla

Founder and Principal consultant, UX Thought
Paul is a well rounded UX professional with an equal footing in technology and design, who has spent many years working across different industry verticals for companies like HSBC, Volkswagen, Sainsbury's, Virgin Atlantic and Sony to name a few. He discovered his passion for UX in... Read More →

Wednesday November 18, 2015 16:25 - 16:45 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

17:15 GMT-03

Startups y Stand-up: Cómo aprender sobre negocios mirando fotos de stock
Al mundo de los negocios le gusta presentarse muy serio, muy técnico, muy complejo. Eso intimida a muchos diseñadores, y les hace pensar que el único lugar que pueden tener en los negocios, es elegir de qué color pintar los espantosos gráficos de torta con los que la gente de negocios decora sus PowerPoints.

Entre el mundo del diseño y el mundo de los negocios no hay una pared: hay una cortina de humo. Esta charla prende el extractor para que los diseñadores pierdan el miedo hacia el mundo de los negocios. 


En los últimos años, un tema recurrente es la distancia entre Diseño y Negocios.

Contrariamente a lo que se cree, Diseño y Negocios tienen mucho en común. 

Por ejemplo, los dos tienen una letra “S”. Al igual que muchos otros términos comunes en el mundo de los negocios: BULL$HIT, $CAM, $NAKE OIL, DE$IGN THINKING.

Los diseñadores suelen creer que el mundo de los negocios es complejo, profundo y racional, y que a los diseñadores se los desmerece como superficiales e intuitivos.

La realidad es que los ejecutivos exitosos y multimillonarios, máximos exponentes del mundo de los negocios, adoran lo superficial y lo irracional:
- Autos que cuestan un cuarto de millón de dólares y que llegan a más de 400 km/h, contra los 140 km/h máximos sugeridos o legales en todo el mundo, así que dan exactamente igual que un auto que cuesta un cero menos.
- Empresas construyendo espejismos de marca, mientras queman dinero tanto o más rápido de lo que pueden ganarlo. Como Amazon.com, que tiene sus acciones bien valoradas, a pesar de mantener miserables márgenes de ganancia durante 20 años.

Entonces, llegar a los negocios no es cuestión de profundidad. Es sólo cuestión de adoptar las superficialidades correctas. 

Y ése, es el tema de nuestra presentación.


Un concepto muy importante en los negocios, es la Diversificación. En el caso del orador, con esta presentación planea lanzar su carrera de stand-up.


Santiago Bustelo

Santiago Bustelo es profesional de UX desde hace 15 años. A lo largo de su carrera impulsó y acompañó la evolución de productos, servicios, procesos y equipos, para que empresas y organizaciones puedan responder a los nuevos desafíos de un mercado cada vez más exigente.Como... Read More →

Wednesday November 18, 2015 17:15 - 17:35 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

17:45 GMT-03

UXers are from Mars, BAs are from Venus (but they must find a way to coexist on Earth)
Looking back at my 15+ year career in user experience, I found that projects during which UX professionals and business analysts (BAs) work closely together, and start their collaboration early in the process, are much more likely to succeed.
This short talk will look at the mutual perception between the BA and UX teams, the historical source of their differences and will reveal the reason those multidisciplinary projects were or were not successful. 
Surprisingly, that has little to nothing to do with the typical things UX professionals cite as the reasons why projects are difficult, namely budgets, timelines and personnel, and it has more to do with the working culture of those two teams, the closeness of those relationships and the timing of their debuts on common projects.

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Cornelius Rachieru

Co-chair, CanUX
Cornelius is Managing Director and UX Lead at Canadian UX consultancy Ampli2de Inc. and is the founder, co-chair and lead curator of CanUX, Canada's largest and longest running UX event. Over the past 15 years, he specialized in managing large enterprise scale transformational UX... Read More →

Wednesday November 18, 2015 17:45 - 18:05 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165
Thursday, November 19

09:00 GMT-03

Influence of a head-mounted display on user experience and performance in a virtual reality-based sports application
Head-mounted displays (HMDs) are advertised as a solution to increase the sensation of immersion of users in virtual environments. Historically, however, research has found that technological limitations of those devices caused poor experiences and discomfort on users, limiting their applicability. We evaluated a device of the current generation of low-cost, high-performance HMDs in the context of a ball sports training application to find out if those problems remain. The results indicate that, while users reported increased immersion with the HMD, their performance in the test varied only slightly.

avatar for Pedro Kayatt

Pedro Kayatt

CEO, VRMonkey
Entrepreneur and Virtual Reality Enthusiast! Addicted Gamer and Loved Husband!

Thursday November 19, 2015 09:00 - 09:50 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

09:55 GMT-03

El lenguaje de interacción
El lenguaje es una herramienta de interacción de elegancia sublime, que con apenas 27 símbolos en su alfabeto, ha permitido expresar cada frase, cada historia, cada poema, cada documento que los millones de hispano-parlantes elaboramos día a día desde hace cientos de años. ¡Sólo 27! 
Si primero construimos un lenguaje de interacción, que expresa una relación entre cada componente elemental de la interfaz y su representación en la pantalla, para luego con estos elementos construir los diálogos que componen el sistema, obtendremos los mismos efectos positivos que en un lenguaje alfabético: tanto la comprensión de los diálogos será uniforme y consistente, así como la extensión del sistema a nuevos diálogos e interacciones es factible con un bajísimo costo de aprendizaje. 
Si mantener un estilo a lo largo de la interfaz es un gran logro, construir un lenguaje de interacción es muy distinto, algo que se encuentra en un escalón cualitativo superior: a la vez que permite a los usuarios una curva de aprendizaje rápida y productiva, da soporte a una interfaz que estable y duradera. 

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Daniel Mordecki

Consultor Senior, Concreta
Daniel Mordecki es especialista en Usabilidad con una larga experiencia en el sector público y privado, docente universitario y Consultor Senior en Concreta, una empresa dedicada 100% a la Usabilidad y Estrategia en Internet. Con un estilo que combina el rigor académico, los... Read More →

Thursday November 19, 2015 09:55 - 10:45 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

11:15 GMT-03

The Innovation Challenge
Innovation is worth little unless it generates lasting success, and gaining measurable results from new ideas requires more than creative risk-taking. Most of all, the innovation we usually see in companies are actually a better version of something that already exists. Breakthrough innovation requires a cultural change and changing is never easy. Successful innovation demands a tactical approach, and getting it right requires companies to secure real traction and growth in the marketplace. In this talk I will identify the inflection points that generate market opportunities for companies, cultural issues to overcome and leverage the best techniques for securing a foothold in a lucrative new space.

avatar for Amyris Fernandez

Amyris Fernandez

Owner, Usability Expert Consultores
I have over 30 years of executive experience in marketing and market research, I have focused the past 16 years on digital marketing and communications. I have deep consumer knowledge, understanding market segmentation, product categories consumption and communication by country... Read More →

Thursday November 19, 2015 11:15 - 12:05 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

12:10 GMT-03

Modelo sistemático para testeo con usuarios en Startups
La exposición tiene como objetivo presentar un modelo para la evaluación de usabilidad en empresas emergentes o startups. 
Este modelo es fruto de la experiencia de haber trabajado asistiendo a startups tanto en Chile como en UK. 

Durante años las startups han intentado abrirse paso en el competitivo entorno de las aplicaciones. Muchas de ellas no cuentan entre sus filas con profesionales capacitados en la Experiencia de usuarios que puedan aportar en el diseño de interacción y terminan con un muy buen prototipo a nivel funcional, pero deficiente a nivel de experiencia de uso. Hoy para conseguir financiamiento no es suficiente ser capaz de "hacerlo funcionar", se debe crear una app que aunque haga menos que otras, se destaque por su facilidad de uso y su cuidado aspecto. 

Las metodologías Lean han ido asimilándose progresivamente en las Startups pero, en general, sus procesos de validación aún distan mucho de ser los adecuados. Nuestra experiencia dice que las instancias de pruebas con usuarios son aplazadas constantemente e incluso en algunos casos evitadas por completo. Algunas de las razones esgrimidas por los emprendedores radican en los costos de gestión, la dificultad para hacer cambios en una etapa determinada o la percepción interna de que no hay problemas con la plataforma. 

Creemos que existe una oportunidad para elaborar un modelo de testeo con usuarios que se adapte a la estructura de una startup latinoamericana, con costos y plazos acotados pero con resultados valiosos que permitan la mejora continua a nivel de experiencia para sus usuarios. 

Proponemos presentar mediante una charla un modelo de testeo con usuarios, creado en base a nuestra experiencia, que se adecúe a la realidad de las startups latinoamericanas dejando como insumo para los participantes un documento descargable e imprimible en formato blueprint de interacción que describa el proceso y pueda ser usado como referencia constante para las startups que estén dispuestas a mejorar progresivamente su experiencia de uso.


Juan Paulo Madriaza Medina

UX & CRO Leader, Artool
avatar for Gustavo Soto Mino

Gustavo Soto Mino

User Researcher, UXDcl
Consultant on usability and user experience. University lecturer for 5 years in usability, ergonomics and user research. He is currently completing a Masters in HCI at UCL, London. Additionally holds a Masters in communications (UDD, 2013) and diplomas in Ergonomics (UDEC, 2007... Read More →

Thursday November 19, 2015 12:10 - 13:00 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

15:00 GMT-03

The Shift: UX Designer as Business Consultant
Businesses are increasingly adopting user-centered approaches to create experiences, moving UX design to be one of the core activities driving the company strategy and operations. 

This is an incredibly valuable opportunity that we designers can take to step up and contribute to create the great experiences and services they envision, taking our vision, tools and understanding to a different level. But we need to learn the new skills to play at this table, a table that's often speaking a different language with a lot of politics and different stakeholders. 

This talk will cover exactly these extra skills that are required to make this strategic jump: understanding the business needs, educating the client, understanding the hidden request, managing the various party involved in a project, defining the right process, understanding the internal impact and more.

avatar for Davide Casali

Davide Casali

Product Design Director, Automattic
Just come and say hello! And don't worry about hard or difficult discussions, these are the ones that I prefer the most.

Thursday November 19, 2015 15:00 - 15:50 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

15:55 GMT-03

Confessions Of An Ex Unicorn
The mythical UX unicorn; we've all felt the pressure to become one, and many of us have gained or are actively pursuing unicorn status. But do we truly need to be masters of the entire UX spectrum? What happens if the path isn't all the glitter and rainbows you were expecting? Or you start down the path and discover you hate having a horn? We’ve captured ex unicorns to discuss the benefits of a multidisciplinary education, complications of unicorn life, and varying paths to success. 

There has been lots of discussion about why everyone in UX needs to be a unicorn and how to achieve this status. Many companies are expecting that everyone they hire be able to single-handedly cover the entire spectrum of UX roles; nearly every UX job description seems to include everything from usability testing to JavaScript. 

The result is that many UX professionals are attempting to be unicorns and either finding themselves unhappy in their process, unsatisfied in their role as a unicorn, feeling unqualified to move forward, or unsure of how to grow their career. 

We’re going to reflect on our past experiences to share what we’ve learned; there is value to having a unicorn education and having a broad set of experiences, but we want to be honest about the challenges, too. UX is meant to be a team sport; it can be overwhelming to cover so many disciplines within one role, you can burn yourself out quickly, set yourself up to work alone and there is inherent bias in being the sole researcher, designer, and coder. If you’re responsible for all aspects of UX, you may design something that is easier to develop, or maybe you’ll end up phrasing research questions in a leading way. Having a team allows you to share ideas, give and get critique, build on the experience and perspectives of multiple individuals, and have each member play to their strengths.

Additionally, there are some people who don't want to be unicorns. Some of us are deeply passionate about research or in love with pushing pixels. While having a working knowledge of all the aspects of UX is helpful, we want to clearly emphasize that one does not need to be a unicorn in order to be successful. We’ll discuss how we’ve evolved our careers over time to best align with our preferences, strengths, and personal goals. 

We also want to address those that are trying to hire unicorns, because they aren’t necessarily the best thing for a company. We’ll discuss the situations when unicorns work well and when a company is better off with more specialized roles. 

We want to set the record straight that you do not have to reach unicorndom to be successful in UX. 

avatar for Rachel Daniel

Rachel Daniel

User Experience Director, MaxPoint
Rachel has been involved in the UX realm for more than a decade and is a self-proclaimed Ex Unicorn. She’s covered everything from visual design to user research, interaction design to coding, and usability testing to prototyping. Rachel now manages a multidisciplinary team as Director... Read More →
avatar for Amanda l Stockwell

Amanda l Stockwell

Principal, Stockwell Strategy
Amanda Stockwell is President of Stockwell Strategy, a UX research practice focused on lean research methods and integrating user knowledge with business goals to create holistic product strategies. She has spent most of the last decade focused on finding innovative ways to understand... Read More →

Thursday November 19, 2015 15:55 - 16:45 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165

17:15 GMT-03

Quantifying UX indicators - UX for grown-up people
When bridging the gaps between designers and product managers, a quantitative approach to understand the UX seems to be one of the preferred arguments. Like the Little Prince, as designers often disregard this numbers as not capturing the essence of the problem: 

+++ Grown-ups like numbers. When you tell them about a new friend, they never ask questions about what really matters. They ask: "How old is he?" "How many brothers does he have?" "How much does he weigh?" "How much money does his father make?" Only then do they think they know him. +++ 

Since perceived user experience and end-user value is “psychological” in nature, it requires a behavioral science approach. Behavioral sciences researchers have made substantial inroads toward driving the creation and measurement of platform user experiences and explaining how it works. 

In our presentation we will explain the usefulness of setting UX quality milestones (a.k.a. UX Key Performance Indicators), and measuring against these goals using experimental psychology, experience research, and human factors techniques. 

These indicators became a cornerstone in the relationship of designers with product managers, providing to the former the level of insightfulness necessary to drive user understanding, and to the latter a quantifiable approach to understand UX. Each UX milestones explicitly sets target UX constructs, link these to the key usages per market segment, and comprehend what will be the important the “moments of truth” in the user experience. Data is collected to support design, validate intended UX, and to compare the UX to other products. The overarching goal is to better target and control the quality of the end-user experience. 

avatar for Patricio Maller

Patricio Maller

UX leader, Intel
Patricio Maller holds a computer science degree and a Master of Science in computer sciences (2000) with focus on human-computer interaction. He was a Fulbright Scholar at The University of Alabama between 1998 and 2000, completing research on the application of socio-cognitive theories... Read More →
avatar for Pablo Piccolotto

Pablo Piccolotto

Human Factors Engineer, Intel
Pablo Piccolotto is a Human Factors Engineer currently leading the User Research Lab team at Intel -a team in charge of designing and executing all kinds of studies and experiments to create amazing experiences from the inside out-. Besides, he is member of Intel’s UX-UIA Intellectual... Read More →

Thursday November 19, 2015 17:15 - 18:05 GMT-03
Aula 2.4 Rondeau 165
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